Hello everyone! It has been a while since i last updated the blog I have just been busy with college apps witch I should be finished with in just a few more weeks. In case you were wondering I am applying to
1. University of Washington Seattle
2. University of Wisconsin Madison
3. University of Michigan
4. Berkeley
6. UC San Diego
7. Colorado University Boulder
8. UC Davis
9. UCI
I listed them in order of schools i would like to attend UW Seattle being my #1 choice. Anyway my senior project may be on the back burner but that does not mean it has been forgotten. I am currently working on a 10 page research paper about the Gear and physical fitness required for mountaineering as well as the mentality one should have for safe mountaineering. After this paper is done 100% of my senior project will be working to fundraise for BCM and working to climb some mountains. Speaking of fundraising I have currently raised $1600 for BCM a mere $400 from meeting my goal. So please TELL YOUR FRIENDS about my project any donation on my behalf will be greatly appreciated! I will be going to local businesses the week before Christmas for sure to get some local businesses involved. AGAIN PLEAE TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT MY PROJECT PLEASE! Thank you all for your continued support and help to make my project a success.