And a great new year it will be! I have lots of news to share with you today. First I am now officially scheduled to take a three day intro to mountaineering course in the Sawtooth range of the Eastern Seirra Nevada Range were I will learn all the basics of mountaineering and climb the California Matterhorn Peak at 12,300 ft. I will be climbing Feb 19th-21st. I am also hoping to climb Mt. Baldy Sometime this month to give all my gear a test run and get used to using it all. I am also trying to schedule a climb of Mt. Langley this climb would be my tallest climb at 14,026ft and could take up to a week. Also some even more exciting news is that I have gotten some great leads on fundraising for BCM from so local businesses and even an international company. I gave my presentation to four businesses so far and they all liked to idea! Now on Monday I will follow up with three of them and possibly finalize their support. The best part is that The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf liked my idea so much that they told me I should contact corporate marketing and possibly be a corporately sponsored climber. Wearing a Coffee Bean patch on my jacket and climbing helmet. And holding a Coffee Bean flag on every summit I climb. So I will be following up with an email request I sent Thursday. This is a truly exciting part of my project and I hope that with these businesses support I can make my fundraising goal for Big City Mountaineers more of a success than I could have hoped for.
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